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Keynote & Panel 1

Panel 2

About the Conference:

The case for the digitalisation of the public sector is more relevant than ever. Whether we look at the opportunities created by the application of public sector data or the ability to address crises in public health, the environment, or looming food shortages, possibilities abound. Evidently, maximising the value of the data generated in the public and private sector will be critical to standing up to the challenges ahead. Against this backdrop, the 7th edition of Hewlett Packard Enterprise’s Public Sector Transformation Conference will explore the importance of trust, data sovereignty, and increased interoperability and data sharing across the EU for the benefit of citizens, businesses, and the public sector. 

Trust is a foundational value upon which the digital transition rests and the transformation and efficiency of the public sector will be essential to this process with more cooperation and collaboration with private sector actors needed. Sovereign digital infrastructures and services as well as secure and interoperable processes are also needed to ensure that citizens and businesses can trust the services which they access digitally, all the while ensuring their efficiency and productivity with the use of cutting-edge technologies. Going forward, the public sector must ensure that it uses Recovery and Resilience Facility funds efficiently and enables a digital ecosystem capable of extracting value from the data which it generates.

Session Format

29 November | 10:00 - 13:20 CET
10:00 - 10:05
Welcome Remarks
Irena Bednarich

Vice President, International Government Relations, EMEA and APJ, Hewlett Packard Enterprise

10:05 - 10:15
Keynote Speech: How will the European Recovery and Resilience Plans support the digitisation of Public Sector in Europe?

The role of the public sector is evolving and as such, so should its way of operating. Further collaboration between public and private entities is needed to maximise the utility of the data collected by both parties which can serve the public good. With a multitude of ongoing crises related to the environment, food shortages and public health, it is essential that data transforms the solutions and services offered by public institutions. 

Biljana Weber
Biljana Weber

SVP and Managing Director, Northern Western Europe, Hewlett Packard Enterprise

Lorena Boix Alonso
Lorena Boix Alonso

Director for Digital Society, Trust and Cybersecurity, DG CNECT, European Commission 

10:15 - 11:30
Panel 1: Data Sovereignty in the Public Sector: Trust, resilience and the evolving role of local cloud service providers

The resilience of data infrastructures has never been more apparent than it is today, particularly for the public sector. In response to a rapidly evolving political climate, the EU has laid out its strategic roadmap to unleash the potential of data by investing in ever faster data processing capacities through high-performance computing and increased data flows across the EU, simultaneously securing Europe’s strategic autonomy in the digital space. A key building block of this roadmap is the Recovery and Resilience Facility which has allocated more than €47 billion to the digital transformation of public services of which significant efforts are improving data sharing and cybersecurity.


To shape this digital ecosystem and foster trust in Europe’s digital services, the European Commission has presented a number of legislative initiatives such as Data Act, European Health Data Space, Data Governance Act to overcome data sharing barriers. All the while, the vision to implement digital sovereignty requirements, including data localisation and control obligations, has challenged the notion of what resilience means. In this regard, data localisation provisions within the EUCS are strengthening the role of European local service providers by ensuring that citizens can trust their cloud services.


This panel will look at the challenges and opportunities for the digital transformation of the public sector and how digital sovereignty conditions across the EU data strategy contribute to the overall growth of European competitiveness and security.

Moderated by: Irena Bednarich

Vice President, International Government Relations, EMEA and APJ, Hewlett Packard Enterprise

Andreas Mitrakas
Andreas Mitrakas

Head of Unit, Market Certification and Standardisation, European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA)

Nassima Auvray
Nassima Auvray

Director of Strategy & Marketing for Trusted Cloud Solutions, Orange

Vincenzo Fortunato
Vincenzo Fortunato

Programme Manager of the Interoperability and Data Sector, Department for Digital Transformation, Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Italy

11:30 - 11:45
11:45 - 13:15
Panel 2: Interoperable systems: Unlocking cloud switching for the benefit of public sector innovation

Resilient and more accessible digital public services are at the core of any digital transition. Europe has committed to strengthen the position of EU industry on cloud and edge technologies through investments in the digitalisation of the public sector through its Recovery and Resilience Facility. The creation of the European Alliance for Industrial Data, Edge and Cloud, the GAIA-X initiative, current efforts on ENISA’s cloud cybersecurity certification scheme (EUCS) and the Commission’s ‘Data Act’ proposal’ with ‘cloud switching’ provisions, all share a common aim to enhance Europe’s data sovereignty and further serve the needs of both EU business and public administrations that process sensitive categories of data.


This panel discussion will look at the ways in which interoperability requirements and cloud switching provisions can serve to fast-forward the data-first modernisation of public administrations across their digital transformation lifecycle.

Moderated by: Irena Bednarich

Vice President, International Government Relations, EMEA and APJ, Hewlett Packard Enterprise

Maximilian Strotmann
Maximilian Strotmann

Member of Cabinet of Commissioner Hahn, European Commission

Eduard Mititelu
Eduard Mititelu

Undersecretary of State, Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitization, Romania

Francesco Bonfiglio
Francesco Bonfiglio


Xavier Poisson
Xavier Poisson Gouyou Beauchamps

Global Vice President, Service Providers Business, Hewlett Packard Enterprise

Luukas Ilves
Luukas Ilves

Undersecretary for Digital Transformation, Government CIO, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications (Estonia)

13:15 - 13:20
Closing Remarks
Irena Bednarich

Vice President, International Government Relations, EMEA and APJ, Hewlett Packard Enterprise

Featuring Conversations With:

Gilles Thiebaut

Gilles Thiebaut

SVP and Managing Director, Northern-Western Europe

Hewlett Packard Enterprise


Pearse O’Donohue

Director, Directorate E “Future Networks”, DG CNECT

European Commission

Boštjan Koritnik

Boštjan Koritnik

Minister of Public Administration

Republic of Slovenia

Christiane Kirketerp de Viron

Christiane Kirketerp de Viron

Member of Cabinet, Cabinet of Commissioner Hahn

European Commission

Jesus Torres Carbonell

Jesús Torres Carbonell

Secretary General for Digital Administration, Ministry of Digital Affairs and Economic Transformation

Government of Spain


Francesco Bonfiglio




Xavier Poisson

Vice President, Service Providers and Cloud28+ Worldwide

Hewlett Packard Enterprise


Rui Ribeiro

General Manager

IP Telecom


Nicolas Leroy-Fleuriot

Chief Executive Officer

Cheops Technology


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For more information on any aspect of this event, please contact the team.

Lorena Rodriguez
Event Manager
Forum Europe


Tel: +44 (0) 2922 338 311